Saturday, December 2, 2017

Daniel Webster - 'I am 100 percent behind Donald Trump'

For Immediate Release

For more information contact Jim Henry at

            HERNANDO – A year ago, when Daniel Webster was running for Congress in the 11th Congressional District for the first time, he announced his unequivocal support for Donald Trump.
            “I am 100 percent behind Donald Trump,” Webster said. “First of all because he is not a career politician. He has that principle, so hold to it. Second of all, he is a person who is going to build a wall to at least stop the bleeding on immigration. Third of all, he is going to lower taxes by coming together on a program to get our economy rolling, not by growing at 1 ½ percent, but by growing by 4 and 5 percent, and that’s what we need,” Webster said during a Question and Answer session in October of 2016.
            “Fast forward a year, let’s look at what we have,” said Jim Henry, Democratic candidate for congress in 2018. “Daniel Webster is a career politician, so if he were to apply the same logic to his campaign, he should not even be running now.”
            Henry also said, “The Republicans have had a majority in the House, a majority in the Senate and have controlled the White House for 10 months, but what have they done? Last night the Senate voted to raise taxes on the lower and middle classes, so they could give a great big Christmas present to corporate America and the top 1 percent.”
            Henry added, “I am actually glad that they have proven themselves to be completely inept in terms of governing, because that wall that Webster supports, and Trump desperately wants to build, is about the most Un-American idea I have ever heard. Ronald Reagan told Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall, and Donald Trump wants to build a wall, thousands of miles long. It sickens me to think about, but Daniel Webster thinks it is a great idea.”
            Henry has a decidedly different vision.
            “If anyone needs a boost, it is the lower-class and middle class. I support raising the minimum wage gradually over three years to $15 an hour, to help those in the lower class to rise up into a new, stronger middle class. I also believe that if anyone should get a tax cut, it should be the middle class, because they will stimulate the economy, and even the top 1 percent will benefit from it. Instead of waiting for the wealthy to allow anything to trickle down, put it in the hands of the people who drive our economy.”

            To view Henry’s thoughts on a variety of issues, visit his website at

1 comment:

  1. Please wit all due respect state you're position on lgbt issues as a trans woman in you're district you're position will affect me and my support for you thank you Jenelle


Daniel Webster - 'I am 100 percent behind Donald Trump'

For Immediate Release For more information contact Jim Henry at or (352) 462-8019             HERN...